

Where is this??


Tequila has been exploding, and Espolòn is of of the brand’s leading the charge. While working with a small NYC agency, we pitched the business and got it, and then overhauled how they presented themselves to the world. As the dedicated ACD and Writer, I spearheaded the creation of the look and tone of voice that would carry them forward.

A tequila with all the chops, but none of the pretense, we embraced its iconic artwork, and established a voice that perfectly positioned it as the “Tequila for the People.” The people responded. Sales are soaring, social is chattering, and the brand keeps stirring things up. I couldn’t be prouder than to have played a vital role in Espolòn’s creative evolution.


When we relaunched ESPOLÒN the tequila was being adopted by a specific “creative class.” We needed to establish the brand as a viable player within this crowd. With our bottle and label art already loved, our advertising had to keep that street cred working hard for us.

ALWAYS HAND PAINT became our mantra. For the Out Of Home we first extracted a true “mark,” taking Ramón the Rooster from our label, then surrounding him with challenging statements that imparted the brand philosophy, along with hand lettered type. By creating “art,” not “ads, the mural campaign gave notice and made an impact throughout bustling neighborhoods in our key markets.


The planned release of a small batch of rare, extra-aged tequila from Espolòn became an incredible opportunity to be involved with a product launch from its inception. Charged with creating everything from the name, bottle design and backstory, along with the launch strategy and collateral materials, AÑEJO X became the dream project. With its limited availability and higher price point, the objective was to build intrigue and demand all while elevating the offering to a super premium level without losing the brand’s heritage and fun-spirited approach.

Discovering Mexico’s Barro Negro pottery led to an intriguing story about this art form’s resurrection from obscure, ancient craft to become a cherished icon of national pride. The “black clay” proved to be the perfect vessel for the rare tequila, both literally and figuratively. We first designed a bottle directly inspired by the classic barre negro properties and motifs, as well as creating a launch platform that would showcase our tequila’s own “ResurreXion,” after being laid to rest for 6 long years. Espolòn Añejo X succeeded in raising the brand’s premium credentials, along with quite a few eyebrows.


“Drink in a Wink” was Espolòns answer to the need for a short, fun-spirited way to showcase a cocktail recipe. Instagram had become the obvious social media platform for our more visually driven consumer, so a series of videos proved a great fit. At just 15 seconds each, they built the cocktail in front of you, built some excitement, and built a small following along the way. “Drink in a Wink” proved to be a great way to stretch my creative legs as well, as I was able to write, direct, shoot and edit the videos myself, in-house.


For our recent, and very divisive, US election season, Espolòn conducted a tongue-in-cheek digital campaign that embraced the notion that Americans were about to take a serious look at leaving. We pit ourselves (Mexico) against the more predictable choice that seems to spring to mind (Canada). Promoting Mexico as America’s emigration destination over Canada allowed us to make commentary on the political culture, without being overtly political.

Instagram became campaign central for Decision 2016. It proved to strike a chord with our consumer base and generated a lot of great interest and dialog.

View the campaign on IG here.

EspolonTequila: It's no matter what side of the aisle you're on … as long as it's the Tequila aisle.

EspolonTequila: It's no matter what side of the aisle you're on … as long as it's the Tequila aisle.

EspolonTequila: If you're thinking of packing it up this November, the choice is easy. #MexicoOverCanada

EspolonTequila: If you're thinking of packing it up this November, the choice is easy. #MexicoOverCanada

EspolonTequila: When things go South, why go North? Sure there's culinary delicacies, but do they go with #Espolon!?

EspolonTequila: When things go South, why go North? Sure there's culinary delicacies, but do they go with #Espolon!?


Having an ear to the ground and a willingness to make social commentary on the latest pop culture trends became a key part of the brand’s voice. With dating apps becoming a prominent part of our consumer’s lifestyle, Espolòn had some fun with the nuances of this very modern twist on the age old dating rituals, with a simple message - getting from “matching” to actually meeting requires some old-fashioned “real” contact … over an Espolòn cocktail. Romance is Dead stirred up plenty of buzz and dialog on our social platforms, and has become a recurring campaign initiative, rolled out each spring.

View the campaign on IG here.

EspolonTequila: Love is fleeting enough. Let's trade power bars for tequila bars.

EspolonTequila: Love is fleeting enough. Let's trade power bars for tequila bars.

EspolonTequila: Let’s toast, not ghost.

EspolonTequila: Let’s toast, not ghost.

EspolonTequila: Let's tell friends, "We met at a bar," instead.

EspolonTequila: Let's tell friends, "We met at a bar," instead.